Radical changes coming your way...

Radical changes coming your way...
Photo by Krisztian Tabori / Unsplash

Hey there—

This is probably the first time I am writing to you on a personal note. It has almost been two months since I started writing Sunday Tech Highlights. When I started, I had a bare minimum of 50 sessions of my website monthly. Today, just after 50 days, we idle around 500 sessions monthly. The numbers may not look very big but, trust me from where I started, it has been a journey. Every Saturday, unlocking my MacBook to write, working for over 4 hours each week to give you the best newsletter you could expect. Learning and exploring different platforms has been a journey. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being part of my story.

Today's issue would have reached you differently. The design was way different, sleeker and simpler. And that's cause we are making changes, changes to Sunday Tech Highlights.

Sunday Tech Highlights is now being rebranded to The Tech Garamond and is being shifted away from my personal website to a completely different domain www.garamond.tech. Why? Because this project is now bigger than me, I never thought I would come this far and, now that I have made it, I want to give it my best. So, welcome to and thank you for being part of The Tech Garamond family. I hope you like this new project of mine :)

And I want to appreciate my parents. I end up making fun of them in every issue I write. But they are the only reason why I started this and why I have come this far. Thank you, mumma and papa.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year,
Tejas Tagra